Black Friday in Treviso, Italy


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DECIEM | The Abnormal Beauty Company in Toronto, Canada

很多人从来没有听说过DECIEM这间护肤品公司,但正是这间位于加拿大多伦多的公司出品近年来网上最红的护肤品系列The Ordinary。

DECIEM成立于2013年,其护肤产品都有科技支撑,高效平价,迅速在网上蹿红。尽管DECIEM从来不花钱打广告,但诸多忠实用户还是热情的积极分享使用体验,DECIEM的平价产品线The Ordinary尤其受欢迎,因为成分单纯、高效,品质相当于10倍其价格的高价护肤品,性价比超高。正如DECIEM的口号:Luxury Never Makes Anyone Beautiful(奢华绝不会令人美丽)。热销产品如:10%烟酰胺精华+1%锌原液30%果酸+2%水杨酸

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Nordstrom rack’s Black Friday Sale in Toronto, Canada

Nordstrom rack is luxury department store chain Nordstrom‘s clearance outlet full-line store chain.

Nordstrom Rack One Bloor is located in downtown Toronto’s busy intersection of Bloor and Yonge. There is another Nordstrom Rack store in the huge outlet shopping mall Vaughan Mills on the outskirts of Toronto.

BENCH made in Canada
BENCH. made in Canada?

Bench. made in China
BENCH made in China
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2018 Black Friday at the Eaton Centre, Toronto, Canada

Black Friday is the largest shopping event in North America. In Toronto, Black Friday sales have surpassed the Boxing Day sales. Sometimes you can find the same sale repeat itself for both Black Friday and Boxing Day.

Eaton Centre is the most popular shopping centre not only in Toronto but also in the whole North America thank you its downtown location. So there’s no surprise that the Eaton Centre is packed with shoppers during the holiday season.

Actually there are lots of great deals available at the Eaton Centre during the Black Friday weekend. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Banana Republic 50% Sale
Banana Republic Black Friday Sale: Everything 50% OFF
Banana Republic 40% OFF
Banana Republic:Extra 40% OFF Sale items
Banana Republic shirt $25
Banana Republic shirt $25
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Black Friday Sales in Toronto

Black Friday is the best time of the year to find the greatest deals for major purchases in Toronto.

Boxing Day(December 26th) used to be the biggest shopping day across Canada. But in recent years Black Friday has delivered a knock-out punch to Boxing Day.

Black Friday, the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, is getting more and more popular in Canada year after year.You are more likely to get better deals on big ticket items on Black Friday than on Boxing Day partly because the Canadian retailer market is dominated by American brands, eg: BestBuy and Walmart.


Do buy your electronics on Black Friday and don’t wait until Boxing Day. Most do offer the same deals on both Black Friday and Boxing Day (eg: Google, Microsoft) but some don’t (eg: Walmart, BestBuy). Electronic deals you get on Black Friday often are the best deals for the next whole year.
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