Legion of Honor | Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

The Legion of Honor is a part of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. The building is a full-scale replica of the French Pavilion at the 1915 Panama–Pacific International Exposition, which in turn was a three-quarter-scale version of the Palais de la Légion d’Honneur in Paris.

The Legion of Honor displays a collection of European art and ancient works from Egypt, the Near East, Greece, and Rome.

Torso of Hermes
Torso of Hermes, Roman, 2nd century AD.

The Bath by Jean-Léon Gérome
The Bath (c. 1880-1885) by Jean-Léon Gérome.
St. John the Baptist  by El Greco
St. John the Baptist (c. 1600) by El Greco.
Commode (1763) made by Pierre Langlois, from Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill House.

Ceiling from the Palacio de Altamira from Spain
Detail of the Ceiling from the Palacio de Altamira from Spain, c . 1482–1503, installed in the ceiling of gallery 3.

Laocoön, Carrara marble reproduction of the ancient sculpture in the Vatican Museums.
El Cid Campeador
El Cid Campeador (1921) by Anna Hyatt Huntington on the Legion grounds.

Outside the museum, visitors can enjoy views over the nearby Golden Gate Bridge and the distant downtown skyline.