2016 Taoist Tai Chi International Awareness Day, Toronto

每年8月11日在多伦多举办的International Awareness Day是蓬莱阁道家太极举办的一项年度盛会,来自加拿大各省、美国各州、世界各国的会员代表齐聚一堂,在多伦多市中心沿街游行,舞动巨龙,演示太极功夫,并邀请市民免费学习或者免费和巨龙合影,借此推广道家太极。蓬莱阁道家太极会员多是白人老年人,希望练习太极强身健体,修身养性。其总部位于多伦多外一座小城,目前正在温暖的佛罗里达建设另一个基地,便于老人家们冬天在那里练习。

Taichi International Awareness Day 2016

Taichi International Awareness Day 2016

Taichi International Awareness Day 2016
继续阅读2016 Taoist Tai Chi International Awareness Day, Toronto

2011 International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day

Hundreds of people turned up today to celebrate the annual International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day at Dundas Square, downtown Toronto.

International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day

This special event is presented by the International Taoist Tai Chi Society and the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.

Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits.

Zhang Sanfeng, a highly mythologised figure, lived in the Wudang Mountains, said to be the founder of Tai Chi.
继续阅读2011 International Taoist Tai Chi Awareness Day