The Colours of South Asia Film Series explores the diversity of the various cultures and subcultures of South Asia.
Himself He Cooks is a beautifully shot, contemplative recording of the simple act of Seva—or Service. Shot without narration, the camera simply observes the dexterity, the commitment and the love with which the volunteers come together, work together, and simply clean up after the enormous task is finished.
In the Golden Temple of Amritsar, hundreds of volunteers prepare up to 100,000 free meals every day. The spontaneous choreography of many philanthropic hands reveals the essence and atmosphere of this fascinating place. Filmmakers Berteau and Witjes, working on a film about classical music in India and Pakistan (SA RA GE -2010), paid an unscheduled visit to the Golden Temple in Amritsar and were immediately led to the “langar”, the kitchen where volunteers prepare food every day for pilgrims. Philippe Witjes—who works as a professional cook—was astonished by the choreography and scale of the organization, as well as the enormous amount of food prepared for the meal.
Runtime: 65 minutes
Everyone: FREE
Friday, July 4, 2014
9:30PM – 10:45PM
North Orchard & Pond Lawn
235 Queens Quay West, Toronto ON