I went to Fairview Mall today. 50% off deals were still everywhere while I couldn’t find anything I’d like to buy among those on sale items.
One of the MEXX white shirt I liked didn’t have small sizes. Most were XXL, XL and L. The smallest was M which looked still pretty large and wasn’t even white anymore. I must be really crazy if I bought it.
The H&M in Fairview Mall was pretty small and didn’t have many items on sale. Only those with red tag were on sale (50% off the already reduced price) and most of them were for women. The prices were really low though, eg: some $69.99 girls jeans were now only $9.98.
I left Fairview Mall empty-handed. But I some Nike stuff at Winners on my way home. At Winners, only those clearance items with red tags get 25% additional discount.
I’m happy while tired now.