标签: Australia
White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, Australia
The White Rabbit Collection is one of the world’s largest and most significant collections of contemporary Chinese art. Founded by Kerr and Judith Neilson, it focuses on works produced after 2000.
Paddys Markets at Haymarket, Sydney, Australia
Paddy’s has held a central place in Sydney’s history for over 150 years. Paddy’s Markets, Sydney’s biggest markets have a wide variety of stalls; food, fashion, gifts and gadgets in a true market atmosphere.
You’ll find everything from souvenirs to sporting goods, clothes to cosmetics, footwear to fruit and vegetables, hot food to heavy metal CD’s, sheepskins to seafood, plants to pendants, crafts and much much more.
The Rocks Markets, Sydney, Australia
Wander down to The Rocks Markets and you’ll find passionate people selling things you’ll love in a cool, relaxed environment.
In this open-air market, nestled between our picture-perfect harbour and Harbour Bridge, life is unhurried.
Browse through hundreds of great finds, made by many hands. Stroll along cobbled laneways through stalls where fashion, handcrafted jewellery, textiles, homewares, art, beauty products and photography, lure and inspire. Then stay a while to enjoy the harbour breeze and the warmth of the sun.
澳大利亚悉尼有好多间华人超市,物价是加拿大的好几倍。唐人街最大的超市是Market City购物中心内的泰记超级市场,商品琳琅满目,来自全世界各地,例如大陆、台湾、东南亚,当然也有澳大利亚本地产品,例如肉类和蔬菜。
Thai Kee IGA Supermarket is the largest Asian supermarket in Sydney’s bustling Chinatown with a wide range of specialty Asian and regular Western items.