古巴客機墜毀哈瓦那機場附近 機載104人

一架搭載104人的古巴國營航空公司飛機今天墜機。這架飛機自古巴首都哈瓦那(Havana)的何塞馬蒂機場(Jose Marti airport)起飛不久後即墜毀,事故現場可見濃煙升空。

根據法新社和美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,這架隸屬古巴航空公司(Cubana de Aviacion)的波音737-200型客機墜毀在機場附近的農田。

古巴總統狄亞士─卡奈(Miguel Diaz-Canel)已趕赴事故現場,他說,傷亡情形「嚴重」。

More than 100 people have died after a Boeing 737 airliner crashed near Jose Marti International Airport in Havana, Cuban state media say.

Three people have survived but are in a critical condition, Cuban Communist Party newspaper Granma reported.

Flight tracking websites indicate the plane departed at mid-morning local time, and it reportedly crashed shortly after.

It was carrying 104 passengers and nine foreign crew, according to local media.

“There has been an unfortunate aviation accident. The news is not very promising, it seems that there is a high number of victims,” Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said after visiting the crash site.

The airliner had been leased to state airline Cubana de Aviación by the Mexican company Damojh, Cuban news agency Prensa Latina said.

State TV said it was an internal flight from the Cuban capital to the city of Holguin, in the east of the island.

Images showed a thick column of smoke rising above the crash site as fire crews and ambulances attended the scene.

Radio Havana Cuba said on Twitter that the plane came down on the “highway” between Boyeros and Havana, near the airport.

According to industry research, last year was the safest in history for commercial airline travel with no passenger jet crashes.

But there have been several serious air disasters this year. Last month, a military plane crashed shortly after take-off in Algeria, killing more than 250 people.