為慶祝推出最新航線, 我們為您呈獻八大航點精選機票優惠!有否想過與摯愛一起前往我們的航點,享受一個不一樣的假期?現在就把握機會,乘搭屬於香港的低成本航空,立即到我們的官方網頁訂購優惠機票吧!瀏覽網站:http://www.hkexpress.com/
In celebration of our newest route announcement and the unveiling of our new branding we thought it would be fitting to have a sale! With fares so low, why not treat you loved one or the whole family to a holiday to any one of our destinations! Chill out in Chiang Mai, party in Phuket, pig out in Penang, kick it in Kota Kinabalu, eat some Oiishi food in Osaka, you get the idea! We’ve got tons of seats on sale so grab yourself an amazing fare and book your first holiday of the year with Hong Kong’s official low fare airline! Visit our website: http://www.hkexpress.com/
Tokyo Backpackers
鬼太郎 深大寺
招财猫发源地 情人必拜の东京浅草今户神社
旅行者保护神 飛不動尊 正寶院
东京艺妓 吉原神社
東京 淨土宗 春慶院
和宗総本山 四天王寺 春の彼岸会