Allan Gardens Conservatory, Toronto, Canada

Allan Gardens Conservatory is a major landmark and tourist attraction in downtown Toronto. Its historic, cast-iron and glass domed “Palm House” was built in 1910 and is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. A botanical gem in the heart of the city, Allan Gardens has a permanent collection of exotic plants and beautiful seasonal flower shows.

Hours of operation: 10 am – 5 pm, 365 days/year
Free admission, Wheel chair accessible

Allan Gardens Conservatory
继续阅读Allan Gardens Conservatory, Toronto, Canada

East Chinatown, Riverdale, Toronto多伦多东区唐人街

parking lot
继续阅读East Chinatown, Riverdale, Toronto多伦多东区唐人街

北美第一 用鞋子訴說歷史演變

Bata Shoe Museum玛丽莲梦露的红色高跟鞋

芭塔鞋藝博物館前後歷時15年,才找到最適當的設立地點,就位在繁忙的Bloor St.和St. George St.的轉角上,St.George地鐵站就在對街,鄰近步行10分鐘以內可到達的地點,包括安省皇家博物館、多倫多大學等地,這也是該館立館目的,即是開放給一般民眾參觀的同時,也有提供學術研究之意。
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皇家博物馆(ROM)旅游攻略 自然历史/世界文化任你看

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